Saturday, August 13, 2011
3 Years Old
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Mirror Image
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Introducing Kennedy's Baby Brother....

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Increasing by 1
Thursday, March 24, 2011
- 2.41 Years
- 28.89 Months
- 125.41 Weeks
- 878 Days
- 21,068.85 Hours
- 1,264,131 Minutes
- 75,847,860 Second
You continue to live on inside of me! I celebrate your life daily. This world will never forget you!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
We are the Lucky Ones

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
One Month....
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Kennedy Talking
It is often thought by many that Kennedy's life was full of sadness and pain. That she was this empty lost soul with no brain that was unable to experience the simple pleasures of life. However, the presumptions of others couldn't be farther from the truth. Her family and our closest friends knew different. One of the worst statements I would hear from random individuals was how sorry they felt for Kennedy. My immediate response was and continues to be WHY? Don't feel sorry for her. She had one of the most amazing life's - she was showered with love, she was comfortable and without pain a vast majority of her life, and she was blessed with family and friends that would do anything for her. I tended to use my blog as an escape. It provided me with a therapeutic outlet where I could write out my emotions, struggles, and battles that were faced by my family.
Anyways, to the point of this post. Around 10-12 months of age Kennedy finally began babbling. She would coo and ahhh all the time. It was so unexpected because we were never given any hope that we would ever be able to experience this with our daughter. In addition, it became such an invaluable tool which allowed us to gage her moods by. Around 15-16 months she began having conversations with us, putting together two syllable sounds - in those times it was so easy to forget Kennedy wasn't a "typical" child. Hearing her voice could turn even the worst of days around. She was communicating to us in her own unique way.
I have tens of thousands of pictures of Kennedy. I never really video taped her (not really sure why) but around October once I got my new iphone (aren't grown-up toys so fun) I began recording Kennedy. October 14, 2010 I recorded one of the best 2 mins and 41 secs. Kennedy and I were at home sitting in our rocking chair having a long ole conversation back and forth which we did all the time, but this time I began to record her. She was saying, what to me sounds like mama and dada. So I thought I would share it with all of you.
Monday, January 31, 2011
A Mothers Words
On Saturday, January 8, 2011 at 5:30 pm I lost one of the most important things in my life - my two and a half year old daughter Kennedy. Her life and death has forever shaped how I will live this life here on earth. Kennedy is the single greatest thing to ever happen to me. I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity to have known the most amazing human being to ever set foot on this earth. She was and will continue to be a shining force in my heart and soul. She has touched me deeply and has taught me more about life than any other person or life experience ever has.
Today is a day for us all to mourn through celebration. Kennedy’s life was nothing short of miraculous. How does a mother say goodbye to her little girl? She doesn’t! She will never accept the fact that the precious angel that touched her heart like nothing else is gone. What brings her piece is that she is not gone. She lives. She lives inside of all those whom she’s touched and she lives with god. Someday that mother and little girl will be reunited again – and I can’t wait!
We have heard from so many people who’ve told us about how Kennedy’s story has touched their lives and made them reevaluate their relationships and reprioritize what’s important to them. People started to pray again, some people began praying for the first time and some were spending more quality time with their children and all learned that life was not a guarantee and was not to be taken for granted. All of this happened because of Kennedy! She had the uncanny ability to make you step back and not allow yourself to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, to slow down and smell those flowers,
At just 2 ½ years old - she accomplished more in her short life then I have in mine. I was her Mother. I was supposed to teach her, guide her through life and provide her with the foundation to grow into a strong and beautiful women, but instead she taught me – patience, how to embrace life, to rejoice in even the smallest of achievements, to approach challenges and mere impossibilities with the attitude that nothing is impossible. She had the uncanny ability to make me step back and not allow myself to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, to slow down and smell those flowers, and to truly love without limitations.
We have been dealt a devastating blow to our lives and we may be experiencing the absolute worst that life has to offer, but Brian and I always try to make the best out of any situation. There are really two choices we all have in a situation like this one – we can wallow away in self-pity, doubt, anger and sadness or we can rise above the situation embrace the circumstances that were bestowed upon us and accept the things that we cannot change – we choose to live and live like we had never lived before We celebrated and rejoiced in Kennedy’s life. We turned even the most negative of circumstances into a positive and we smiled, laughed and really just embraced our life together as a family!
If I was asked this question once, I was asked it a million times over, “knowing what you know now would you do it all over again” The answer is unequivocally without hesitation – yes! I would re-live the pain and heartache just to have known, loved, and cared for Kennedy. Very early on we decided to live life according to the way Kennedy wanted to live. We relinquished control and handed the reins over to Kennedy very early on. This was her journey and we were there by her side every second of everyday to support her, comfort her, care for her, and love her in every way possible.
I would have to say that the outpouring of love and support that our family has received in the last two and a half years really leaves me speechless. Kennedy has forever changed my life. Moreover, the impact she had set upon others is profound and nothing short of amazing. Even though she was unable to talk, her presence and innocent soul has forever left an impression on our lives that will last a lifetime!
To my husband Brian – what can I really say to you besides thank you for being there. You played such an instrumental role in allowing Kennedy to live such a wonderful life. Kennedy has brought so much joy and love to our lives and has brought us so much closer together as a couple. The sacrifices that you made were all done with your family’s best interest at the forefront. She has made you into one of the most selfless persons that I know. Given our state of affairs I do not know many men that would have stuck around and would have done so with such strong convictions for your family’s needs and well being. You allowed me to quit my job, to stay home and care for our daughter, you did side jobs to make extra money, you came home daily after a long days and then cared for Kennedy to give me some time to myself, and I can remember countless evenings where you stayed awake with Kennedy late into the wee hours to allow me to sleep and then woke up the next morning to do it all over again. Kennedy was so blessed to have you as her daddy!
Finally, I prayed hard over these past few months that when it was time for Kennedy to leave us here on earth she would go peacefully in the presence of her family embraced in my arms. God and Kennedy worked together in such harmony and blessed me with an amazing end to an incredible journey. So I am going to ask God for one more thing. When my time comes and I get to see my Kennedy again, I’d like her to be 2 ½ years old and I’d like to be 27 again because I want to be able to pick right back-up where we left off. Sitting in a rocking chair with Kennedy in her favorite position on my chest. That would be a perfect way to begin eternity.
Monday, January 24, 2011
A Celebration Fit For A Princess

Kennedy's service was absolutely perfect! No detail was overlooked. It was bright and cheery. There were hundreds and hundreds of flowers. Jen made an amazing three tiered centerpiece consisting of large cylindrical vases filled with water and orchids. There were also two personalized monogrammed banners which were also very bright and colorful and a wishing tree that allowed people to leave personal messages Kennedy. Furthermore, the tables were covered with bright bubble gum pink tablecloths and adorned with gorgeous flower centerpieces and finished with individually filled mason jars of peanuts (of course my favorite finishing touch). The service was so appropriate and could not have been a more perfect way to honor our little Kennedy. It was definitely a party fit for a princess.
The service started with an amazing 15 minute slideshow that Brian and I put together. It was a very emotional yet fulfilling project for us to do. It was so nice to look back upon our daughters two and a half years and to know that she lived one hell of a life. I am still trying to figure out how to post the slideshow to my blog. It was very important to me to have someone who knows our family and who knows Kennedy and her incredible journey to lead her memorial service. I was honored when our friend Pastor Rod agreed to lead Kennedy's service (he was the person who blessed Kennedy when she was just weeks old in the NICU @ Loma Linda). Rod did an amazing job. He kept the mood up beat and very positive - he led the service the way we chose to live our lives.
After Pastor Rod spoke I got up to say a little bit about Kennedy's impact on myself and the rest of the world (I will post my eulogy another time). I was left speechless when numerous family and friends got up to speak. It was so incredibly touching and truly was an honor. Listening to the words of others really reaffirmed Kennedy's purpose and meaning in this world and illustrated what an impact she has had on so many. It truly was a celebration fit for a princess.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Kennedy's Memorial Service Program

Monday, January 10, 2011
Kennedy Mae Bonomo's Memorial Serivce
An Angel Earned Her Wings
Thursday, January 6, 2011
- I fear the uncertainty of her life
- I fear that while I sleep my baby will leave us for heaven and I will not have been there for her last minutes
- I fear that Kennedy will not be here for the birth of her brother
- I fear that Kennedy's death will forever change who I am - to the point where myself or people around me will no longer recognize who I am anymore
- I fear that I will not know how to function without my daughter
- I fear that Kennedy' death will destroy my husband and my father
- I fear that I have gotten in over my head with the upcoming arrival of our son - can I do it?
- I just overall fear my future..