Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Bonomo Family is proud to introduce the newest member to our family.....

(Newborn Photo Shoot - Collin Rocco Bonomo 5 days old)
Collin Rocco Bonomo
Born: Monday, May 2, 2011
Time: 8:03 AM
Weight: 8lbs 3oz
Length: 19inches
Mommy Daddy and Baby are doing great. Collin was born at Loma Linda University Medical Center (a place that has become like a second home to this family). Even though Kennedy is not here in a physical sense, I know that she is beaming down from heaven upon her baby brother. Collin has many distinct characteristics that emulate features possessed by his big sister. The first 24 hours I literally sat in awe looking upon the miracle that I was given. It was very bitter sweet to be holding Collin, because such a big part of me yearned to have Kennedy in my arms. Will update more sometime this week!!!!

(The most amazing photo....Jen our photographer left me speechless with this picture. The meaning behind the sign could not be more true)